Category Bed Bug Articles

Bed Bugs Articles
Bed bugs are prevalent all around the world and have been with us for thousands of years. They are small insects that prefer feeding on human blood while warm-blooded animals are their secondary targets. The reason why they are called bed bugs is because they prefer hiding in people’s bedrooms.

The reason for this is because people are easy targets for them when they are asleep. When a bed bug infestation happens in your home, they can also bother your pets while hiding close to their bedding. They can hide in crevices, cracks, pet beddings, under your mattress and various other spots that are hidden from sight.

No matter what season it is, bed bugs will always find a way to hitchhike themselves to a warm and comfortable home. It is their means of survival that they have perfected for a long time. However, getting familiar with their habits is the first step towards prevention.

But why are they trying so hard to get close to us? Don’t they have anything else to do out in nature? It turns out that the answer is no, and we are going to explain you why.
What are Bed Bugs All About?
The raw truth is that bed bugs enter your house only to get some fresh human blood and reproduce in your warm bedroom. Once they are there, they are going to bite you every single night and then go back to their hiding spots.

Then, they are going to lay down some eggs there. When they hatch, you are going to have even more bed bugs biting you at night. Maybe some of them are going to spread to other rooms and bite your pet while it is asleep.

Bed bug bites are not only itchy but they can get inflamed and blistered as well. It is a huge nuisance to deal with them. Not to mention the blood patches, dead bed bugs and eggs that await you as you change the bedding.

Get rid of those little annoying insects as soon as possible before things get out of hand.
We are Here to Help You Get Rid of Bed Bugs
Our knowledge base is all about helping you get rid of bed bugs. Here, you can also learn more about where they come from and their habits in general. Understand your enemy and you will be able to get rid of them more effectively, once and for all.

Below, we share articles about how bed bugs cope with different temperatures throughout the year. We also talk about the dangers they pose to your pets and children in the household. Bed bugs are very good at hiding, but how to get them out of there?

By following the methods that we share here, you are going to be able to clean your home while eliminating these insects at the same time. We also share information about how people can bring bed bugs home from vacation and how to prevent it.

Bed bugs in Australia

bed bud

Bed bugs are common all around the world. Though in some places there are more of them then in the others. Mostly they are spreading across developed areas, such as Australia, USA, and European countries. There are different reasons for…

Do Bed Bugs Die in the Winter?

a bed bug

When it comes to bed bugs, we are talking about insects that are highly resistant to cold. When exposed to particularly low temperatures, they know exactly how to cope with it. They are able to survive for several days while…

Bed Bug Eggs

bed bug eggs

Bed bugs are one of those tiny insects which nobody really wants to ever meet. At least not at home. They are super-small and have developed master hiding skills over the years, so it can sometimes be pretty hard to…

Bed Bugs Hide?

Bed Bugs Hide in Couches

Bed bugs are tiny creatures which have adapted to living in the proximity of humans very well. And moreover, most people are not even aware of them living inside their homes until they get bitten. Indeed, these little pests have…

Bed bug bites do they itch?

bed bug bites itch

Bed bugs are one of the most unpleasant parasites which can settle in any home, regardless of its cleanliness and well-being. Bug’s bites give a lot of troubles and are a real problem. Specifically bites give a possibility to determine…

Bed Bugs and Dogs

Bed Bugs and Dogs

Although humans are the main targets of bed bugs, they also won’t deny biting warm-blooded animals. Sleeping mammals such as rodents, birds, cats and dogs all fall into this category. These insects are rather sneaky and they are not going…

Do bed bugs fly or jump?

Do bed bugs fly or jump

Bed bugs are creatures which you don’t think about until you came across them yourself. In that case you may start to search for different information from anywhere, and sometimes this information can be false. Here are some main points…

Do Bed Bugs Die in Summer?

Do Bed Bugs Die in Summer

Bed bugs don’t die in the summer. In fact, they are prevalent throughout the year and they can find ways to stay alive throughout the winter as well. Although the temperature can be high especially in tropical regions, it is…